vSEO – SEO strategies to rank on top on YouTube

YouTube is one of the popular social media platforms where you can find an audience for your brand. Marketers need creative video content and campaigns to post on YouTube to grow their channels. vSEO is essential for developing a video creation strategy.

In simple terms, vSEO is the process of improving your YouTube channel to increase its visibility when people search for your services and products related to your brand on YouTube.

To know how to rank your YouTube videos, you need to optimize your channel for both YouTube and Google. Here are the tips to help you understand YouTube SEO and grow your channel.

How do you rank for keywords on YouTube?

If you have hardly any views on your YouTube video, consider finding and applying focused keywords to your video. You will have to learn many things to rank your video on YouTube, like the YouTube ranking algorithm. However, don’t go deep into video SEO and remember only the necessary items to increase your YouTube video ranking. First, consider yourself in place in your viewers’ shoes.

What are some tips on ranking keywords on YouTube?

Here are the YouTube SEO tips that help you focus on improving each key area of your YouTube video.


You can include a focused keyword in the main descriptive title of your video. Keep the title of your video longer than 5 words. Make video’s titles start with “How to…” or similar titles to other ranking videos on YouTube.


Tags can also help you increase your video ranking. It represents your video’s theme. It also helps your video show up more often to your viewers as a related video in the sidebar area of their YouTube.


A description is essential as it provides you with space to elaborate on the video’s content or theme. You can tell your viewers about your video and why they should watch it.

How do you find keywords that rank on YouTube?

You probably know the significance of keywords for ranking your YouTube video. Finding the right keyword may seem hectic, but you can use an effective YouTube SEO tool to discover suitable keywords and rank higher. However, you can also use these methods to find the right keywords, including

  • You can use the YouTube Search Bar to discover keywords. A phrase like “How to cook” and a list of relevant searches will drop down the search bar.
  • Search for LSI (latent semantic indexing) keywords associated with your video. It will boost your YouTube channel’s ranking on Google.
  • You can also try the alphabet search game. Simply add one letter to your target keyword and go through the entire alphabet with this process.
  • Look for trending keywords using keyword research tools like Google Trends. Search for trends in your locality and what stands out among them.
  • Use the YouTube keyword analysis tool to increase the keyword score for your video. Add keywords to your video’s title, tags, description, and chapters.

What are examples of YouTube SEO tools?

Many YouTube video makers use digital tools to improve the ranking of their channels. You should also use these YouTube SEO tools to make your YouTube video more visible to your viewers, including:

  • Tools for researching trends
  • Use these tools like Google Trends, BuzzSumo, and Exploding Topics. These tools help you discover trending topics and themes related to your YouTube video content. With these tools, you can create powerful similar content to the trending one.

  • Tools for keyword research
  • Marketers use these tools to discover, compare, and analyze potential keywords for your video content. You can also find keywords for the titles, tags, and descriptions. Some best tools for keyword research are SEMRush, TubeBuddy, Ahrefs Keyword tool, and Keyword Planner Tool. These tools work in the same way. If you are new to vSEO, use KeywordTool.io, as it is best for beginners.

  • Tools for finding tags
  • Tag optimization is necessary for YouTube content. You will need tags finding tools to make your tags attract more audience. Some tools for finding tags include the YTube tool tag finder and Tag Finder. You can use the same tags as your competitors’ videos and make your video appear in their ‘Up Next’ section. It will help you get more targeted viewers for your videos.

  • Tools for competitor research
  • Analyzing your competitors’ keywords, tags, and YouTube content is important for creating better content than them. You can use tools like SECockpit, Soolve, and YouTube’s autocomplete search bar for competitor research. Use these tools to find competitors and ways to beat their content with improved content. With these tools, you can better position your video on YouTube.

  • Tools for community moderation
  • Community moderation is a process of managing discussion, comments, and conversations from viewers on YouTube, so it aligns with its Terms and Conditions. You can use tools like Smart Moderation to find relevant comments and stay connected with your viewers. You can also add content moderators to your YouTube channel to monitor comments and respond to them.


How to increase your SEO ranking on YouTube?

The tips to increase your video ranking on YouTube include:
  • Selecting a great keyword.
  • Adding accurate closed captions.
  • Offering subtitles in multiple languages.
  • Adding cards & end screens.

How to rank higher on YouTube tags?

To rank higher on YouTube tags, follow these:
  1. Choose a focus keyword for your video.
  2. Optimize your description and video title, thumbnails, and file names.
  3. Add relevant tags or names of your competitors into your video tags.

How can YouTube help SEO?

A popular and valuable video can inspire many people as they will click over to the brand’s website. YouTube videos help indirectly with SEO as people will come to your site from YouTube and raise your site’s ranking.


Ranking your videos on both YouTube and Google is a powerful way to become an influential brand. Focus on improving this YouTube optimization checklist of your video content, including keywords, title, trends, tags, description, thumbnails, and caption files, with the help of video SEO strategies.

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